Of Richard Sutton there is little record except that he was a farmer and lived at Piscataway, New Jersey. There he was born on July 18, 1676, died Mar 1732, son of William Sutton and his wife Damaris Bishop. He was a member of Col. Thomas Farmer's New Jersey Militia Regiment 45h Co. (1715) Piscataway.
In volume II of the a New Jersey Abstracts appears this meager excerpt from his will: “Richard Sutton of Piscataway, Middlesex County. Son, Nathan. Other son and daughters mentioned - names not given. Executors: wife, Sarah; brother, Daniel; brother-in-law, Peter Runyun” Will drawn Sept. 8, 1722, probated February 28, 1732.
The wife whom we meet as an executrix of this instrument is not without prior record. She was born in 1685, died after 1737 in New Jersey, the daughter of Vincent Rongnion and Anne Boutcher, the Huguenot founder of the Runyan family in America. Sarah Runyan and Richard Sutton were married January 25, 1702. Through this connection, descendants of Richard Sutton became eligible for membership in the Huguenot Society of America. As shown by the probate date of his will, Richard Sutton probably died early in 1732. His widow married again in the year 1736, her second husband having been James Campbell.
Richard Sutton & Sarah Runyan had the following children:
1. Sarah Sutton
(born Dec. 31, 1703) married Joseph Manning.
2. Anna Sutton
(born May 20, 1706) married Hendrick Sleight.
3. Nathan Sutton
(born Aug. 16, 1708, died 1733).
4. Richard Sutton
(born Feb. 14, 1711/12, died 1768).
5. Peter Sutton
(born May 2, 1713. died 1740).
6. Catherine Sutton
(born Jan. 24, 1715).
7. Joshua Sutton
(bornNov. 18, 1718).
(born April 18, 1721, died 1797) (of whom further).
9. Amos Sutton
(born July 16, 1723).
10. Jasper Sutton
(born Aug. 15, 1726).
Jasper Sutton brought the family to the Camden area in 1756. His brother in law, Captain John Chestnut, became the founder of that illustrious family in South Carolina. John Chestnut was the largest planter in the up country at the time of the 1790 census. Mary Irvin moved to John Chestnut’s home at Knight’s Hill after the death of her mother, Margaret Chestnut Sutton, the widow of James Chestnut (York Co. Equity 9-28). George Washington visited Camden on his Southern tour. He was entertained with a dinner and ball at the home of Captain Chestnut. The next day he stopped for a meal at the home of Jasper Sutton which was at Grannies Quarter Creek. Mary was remembered well in her step-father Jasper Sutton’s will, as she was in her Uncle James Chestnut’s will. Though she died before him, he had given her a slave woman “to keep her out of the pots” and other goods at the time of her marriage”(B). The South Carolinian Library in its document section has a letter on file that was sent to Jonathan Sutton York Co., S.C. from Capt. John Chestnut, dated December 2, 1782. This letter establishes the fact that Jonathan Sutton and Mary Irvin were married in the year 1781, as Capt. Chestnut refers to purchasing a slave for Mary “ ever since I heard of your marriage”.
List of children and births taken from Piscataway Register #2, page 154, Town records 1668-1805 and from page 241 of “First Settlers of Ye Plantations of Piscataway and Woodbine ridge Olde East, New Jersey 1664-1714” by Orra E. Monnette. The Register and Monnette list Jasper as the youngest child of Richard and Sarah Sutton, but when Monnette listed the children a second time on page 633, the printer used the name Joseph instead of the correct Jasper. All preceding on Sutton quoted from Ancestral Chart and Handbook by Olive Rowland.